Q&A with Musical Headliner Noah Davis

By Jane R. LeBlanc (FWB Volunteer)

Interview edited for length.

Beloved American Idol season 16 contestant and up-and-coming pop superstar Noah Davis sat down to chat before heading to Denton as We Denton Drag It’s musical headliner. Noah talks about coming out of his “glass closet,” the song closest to his heart, and advice for the queer community.

We’re super excited to have you this year for We Denton Drag It. We all know you from season 16 of American Idol. When did you first know that you wanted to be a performer? 

I’d been singing in church since I was probably 10 or 11. And at first, I was not into it. They were begging me: “Noah, sing a song, sing a song.” 

“Uh uh. Not in front of all those people. You won’t catch me doin’ all of that. No ma’am.” 

But then I did it for the first time, and I was like, oh, wait, that was kind of fun! I wanna do that more. I wanna do this all the time.

So as many people know, since your time on American Idol, you’re a little bit different. I wanted to talk a bit about that and what it was like to come out while also being famous. 

Right. It was kind of, I mean… granted, everyone knew. I feel like it was kind of a glass closet I was living in a bit. So I don't really know if it was much of a shock to anyone when I came out. But it was actually really nice to be able to post something like that or say something like that and have a lot of people just shower you with a bunch of love. Be like, “Oh my god, we love you. You’re amazing. Everything is gonna be okay. We love you.” That was really nice. 

So I moved to L.A., and I was surrounded by a lot of other people in the queer community. And they just kind of embraced me as part of the community before I said anything. They were okay with it. It wasn’t something that they were like, “Oh, you’re gay?” It was just like, “Oh! You’re gay! Cool. Come with us. You roll with us now. You’re one of us.” And it was nice. Just encouraged me to be me with no limitations. 

“Oh my god, I get to live my life now, not a version that anyone else is palatable with.”

It seems like after you came out, your personality really blossomed and you came into your own. Can you talk a little bit more about that and what that was like? 

Yeah! It’s one of those things where when I was younger, I was always pretty flamboyant and I was the center of attention. But when I came out, I was able to be even more so. I was able to have my full personality. Like, I’m gonna say that joke. Whereas maybe two or three years ago, I might not have said that joke, because maybe it was a reference that not everyone was gonna get. 

But now, I’m gonna say what I’m gonna say. I’m gonna do what I’m gonna do. No holds barred. Just live my life. And I think that was the biggest thing that happened when I finally came out. I was like, oh my god, I get to live my life now, not a version that anyone else is palatable with. 

Switching gears a little bit to focus on your career, I want to ask you something fun: what is your absolute favorite song to perform? 

I saw this question, and I was thinking about it! It’s hard because my music has so many different vibes. So it depends on the vibe. If I’m wanting to have a moment where I’m gonna sing and want everyone to fall in love with my voice, I’ll probably do a “Peaches & Cream” moment. Because it has a big vocal, but it’s also very pretty. But then if we’re trying to turn up? “How Much Cash.” ‘Cause that’s gonna get everyone lit. So those are probably two of my faves. But! I haven’t performed “Holy Water” live yet, so we’ll have to see what happens when I do. 

“This is something I have to say. I need to say this right now, people need to hear this.”

Speaking of the different songs you have, they kind of run the gamut, right? Which one would you say is the most personal to you? 

“Holy Water.” For sure. I wrote that song two and a half, nearly three years ago, and it’s just now coming out. It was one of those songs that, I didn’t really recognize how important it was. I slept on it a little bit. But one day I sent the song to my manager. I just happened across it. And he was like, “This is really, really special.” 

So I listened to the song again, and I reworked it. I wanted to put energy into this and make it what it’s supposed to sound like. And when I did that, the first time I listened to the new recording back, I was like, oh. This is something I have to say. I need to say this right now, people need to hear this. 

Things have been a little rough lately in the U.S. Do you have any advice for other young, queer people out there who might be feeling discouraged by recent events? 

I think that finding community is very, very, very important. And I think that when there’s a political air going on, or any type of issue that affects the queer community, it’s really hard to digest that information on your own. Especially if you’re in a place that maybe doesn’t accept you, or if you’re a young, queer person with family who doesn’t accept you. 

Being able to have people and a place to digest those types of things and talk about those types of things is really important. Even if it’s just one counselor or one friend or one family member that you can find community with, it’s very, very important. It’s good to have people who understand you and are gonna let you speak and hear you. Not just try to correct you. 

“The body needs to gather just to socialize, just to have fun. The soul needs that.”

Totally spot on. And you’re right - it is important to be surrounded by those who get it, who love you, who accept you. So speaking of that, what are you most looking forward to about We Denton Drag It? 

I’m just so excited to perform with my girls, you know? Just have a moment. Because I really do feel like it’s been a long time since I’ve been able to just be in a room, in a space, with other queer people and have a good time. It feels like recently, every time we gather, it’s for something heartbreaking, for a cause. And I want to gather for those, too. But the body needs to gather just to socialize, just to have fun. The soul needs that. So I’m excited to do that and meet some fans. Because this whole wave of fans and people listening to my music is so very new. So I’m just excited to meet new fans and new friends. 

Well we’re super excited to have you, and we can’t wait to see you. And we’re looking forward to what you’re gonna perform, but keeping it on the down low. 

Thank you so much! I’m super excited. I definitely think we’re gonna hit all the genres. We’re gonna hit all four corners of the music. So it’s gonna be really fun. 

You can follow Noah on Instagram at @noahdavis50 and on YouTube here

We Denton Drag It is Saturday, September 17th at Harvest House in Denton, TX. Tickets are available here

Randi Skinner