Denton Humane Society

The Denton Humane Society is just another great example of the many organizations that help support our community. From the staff to the level of service, the DHS is there for you and your furry little friends.

DHS is a private, not-for-profit 501c(3) organization. The group is run by volunteers with only two part-time employees. So clearly this group can always use our help in their mission which they have been working on since 1972.

Here are some of the services that the DHS offers the the community.


One of the many programs the DHS offers is the low-cost spay/neuter program. Which helps control the pet population and ultimately helps with strays and “unwanted” animals . ( although we want all the animals)

If you are interested in this program you can contact the DHS by:

Phone: 940-382-PETS (7387)



To be clear the DHS does not operate as a shelter, but they do have a “Foster Program” in which many rescued cats and dogs are kept in private foster homes and are available for adoption. This gives the animals a great place to thrive until they find a home instead of being on the streets or worse.


The DHS also may assist with veterinary expenses for sick or injured animals whose owners have a financial need. They also operate a bi-weekly pet food bank for persons in financial need. Make sure you contact the DHS in regards to the food bank as depends upon the availability. Since the food bank relays on donations, you can also donate pet food for the bank anytime.

All of this is great but the personal care and touch the DHS does is where it’s at. This past Christmas they offered “Christmas Pet Pictures” that right, you could take your pet and meet Santa for a fun holiday picture. On their Facebook page you can see pictures of animals they are ready for adoption and a little bit of their history. Nothing like seeing a cute picture of a dog which was abandoned waiting on a family to take him home. And the great thing about it is, these animals find a great home which makes everyone happy.

With volunteers being the main ingredient that makes this location work so well, the DHS needs all of your continued hep and support to proved the love and care it has set out to do. Food, time and money is what makes them work and makes the animals receive the care they deserve. With a great community like Denton behind them, it shouldn’t very hard to accomplish.

One of the things that stands out about the DHS is the true love and connection they have for the animals and the people that they come across with on a daily basis. The stories of compassion are many but sometimes you see one that really just sticks with you.


Scooter a cross-eyed Siamese cat is one of those stories. He came into the foster system as a kitten because his first “mom” had to go to the hospital for cancer treatments. His second adoption ended up with him coming back once again when his "mom and dad" moved out of the country for huge job opportunity. They did not want him to go to quarantine for 3 months and have to deal with all the stress of travel. So now for the third time, he went to a young woman who wanted to foster him for the DHS. It was love at first sight and decided to adopt him. A year later, she graduated and decided to move to another state and infirm did not want to take him with her. This was hard on everyone and of course Scooter. Through all of this he remained the same kind and loving cat he has always been.

One day a beautiful couple came to meet him and his two "sisters" (in same home together) with an interest in adopting all of them. Rescue does not really work this way. Rarely does anyone come to meet these little ones with the intention of adopting all three. They loved them all and ended up adopting them all. They now reside in a wonderful home and poor little Scooter's journey is over. What’s makes this so great is that Lisa Wighaman ( President of DHS) said she would take him in a heartbeat. The love that is shown for Scooter after his many journeys runs deep but thankfully he has a great home now thanks to the DHS.

For more information please go to or to donate you can click on the links below.

Randi Skinner